05 December 2010

What Else Did The Internet Kill?

I used to live in Southern California in the late 1970s and early 1980s. It was a great experience.

Late night TV in LA was a trip - quite often literally. Channel surfing on the Goddess of Cable - Theta out of the Westside while overlooking LA out of my apartment window. It was magic.

One of the expressions I would love and became attuned to was the local car sellers hawking their wares. The expression was often spoken in homespun speak from guys dressed as cowboys or often even more exotic eccentric ways to get you to "Come on Down!" Whatever happened to people like Cal Worthington....his famous expression was "Go See Cal". At age 89 he is still out there... click here to see his current website.

I was thinking the other day as I was channel surfing that there was a distinct lack of cable TV ads exhorting you to "Come and See".

Instead they have been replaced by web sites.

Hmmm - I wonder what else the web has killed?


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