16 September 2012

Amadeus and Open Systems - Really?

So Amadeus is trying to promote its credentials as an Open Systems company.

You might want to just take the test and see their answers to their own questions. The one that really caught my eye was this question.

"Which of the following companies regularly use and promote open systems?"

The options were clearly contrived and the answer - well Google of course. Except the definition of Google and its behaviour might challenge anyone's definitions of "Open".

Google has been a great opener for new systems by making things free that used to cost. At the time everyone was in wonder of this capability. Now some are starting to question that openness.

Given Amadeus's current thrust to become Google's preferred supplier of content for air fare products - this might just be a nice way for them to give a compliment to the Googleplex. Perhaps Amadeus is striving hard to become the other "A" in the AGFA empires.

Just a little food for thought on Sunday. 

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