30 May 2024

A sad day for all.

 While I am inwardly gloating about Donnie's conviction, my more rational brain is saddened. 

How we got here that a truly despicable man whom I believe most people loathe with most of their being ever became president was an act of insanity. But then it just kept getting worse and worse. 

The chaos and mayhem that follows him everywhere finally ended up in a New York Court Room. 

12 Good and true citizens of the great state of New York convicted him. The core crime - trying to conceal the fact that he had a tryst with an adult actor. 

The sordid cast of characters and the details were quite salacious. This cast included the aforesaid actor, Donnie, his fixers (plural). His entourage. A gutter journal publisher. etc etc.

That he managed to convince so many in the population to vote for him is beyond my rational thinking.

So I will leave you with a reflection from a good friend who sits in Bali and reflects on the world and the moon and its influences. If you enjoy it - please ping Willem and tell him he is an OK chap.


Why Design Matters

This blog has a lot of first person statements in it. Well it is my blog. The purpose here is to educate, entertain but ultimately to inform for better decision. 

Design is emotional. It can be functional. What makes good design? 

That is the question I keep asking myself. 

I have been a product designer for ages. I like to think of myself as an architect who somewhat knows what works and what frequently doesn't. I keep looking at designs not just of product but also of the "packaging". The imagery has to evoke emotion to encourage interaction. 

I recently decided that my tired old public persona needed a refresh. Moo cards www.moo.com are a bit of fun. One can expand the image with a back of the card the evokes the message, it is personal. It is about me. But I carry multiple cards - with multiple identities - because I do multiple jobs. 

Catch me if you can at a conference or two. 

In the mean time here is a fascinating article on design in Travel that I highly recommend. 
