05 August 2008

So are you a good traveller? How many states have you visited?

According to the AOL Zogby survey not that many... read on:

More than one-third of Americans have traveled to fewer than ten states in their entire lifetimes.
But most (almost two thirds) have visited Florida, while more than half have also gone to California and New York, according to Greyhound.
More than half of Americans say they have less money for vacations in 2008 then they did last year.
More than two-thirds say, however, that gas prices will not affect their plans (source: AOL/Zogby Travel Survey).
Social media continues to grow in importance. In a recent study 48% of travelers read user reviews for hotels and lodging before booking their stay, according to AOL/Zogby.

If you are a real traveller then you need to have visited 100 countries or more. For this go to the elite of elites list:




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