15 May 2008

Multi GDS Desktop - not the smartest idea in the deck

Travelport plonked down a few pennies and salvaged G2's desktop app just before the company shut down. It will be used to replace the Datalex powered Worldspan desktop, the VERY old and creaking Focal point, and help resolve the issues of multiple hosts that the company will not consolidate.

This is probably not the smartest thing to do for client management. Consolidating a smart desktop using desktop apps in the days of SaaS just doesn't seem logical or economical. As its a year away from delivery, this one will have to wait for approval by the market.

As someone who laboured long and hard to bring advanced functionality to the desktop in the 1980s, I believe that this is a major regressive step for Travelport. The UI should be a webtop. Pure and Simple.



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