28 September 2011

Small Screens Present Less Challenges for Gen Y

One of the things that challenges tired old eyes like mine is that the screens are too small and I struggle with glasses and  what I perseve to be bad lighting to squint and read things on a small screen.

Not so it would appear Gen Y. According to eMarketer they are embracing the use of video on a small screen. OK so this has impact for conventional media but it also has a big implication for the apps we are putting out there. Gen X and Boomers prefer large screens and are more comfortable with large screen formats (aka a PC). But Gen Y don't care.

Thus the adoption of apps on a small screen is very natural for this class.

In my view this will have big impact on the use of devices. Thus the battle of the OS on the small screen is taking on more importance. For Travel based Apps - this means in my view that we can pack more onto those small screens. So less data traffic and more data packed on a small screen is better.

Think about it


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